Massage can affect the whole body. To comprehend the way that massage therapy works certain physical effects of massage have to be examined briefly.

Massage can increase the flow of blood and lymphatic flow. The direct mechanical effects of manual pressure applied in a rhythmic manner and movements used in massage can greatly increase the rate in blood circulation. Additionally, stimulation of the nerves causes blood vessels (by reflex action) to expand which in turn increases the flow of blood.Diskusprolaps (discus herniation)

A white, milky fluid known as lymph is used to carry waste and impurities out of tissues. It is filtered through gland-like structures that are scattered across the lymphatic system. These structures serve as filters. The lymph is not circulated like blood, and it’s movement is largely dependent on the squeezing effects of muscle contractions. Therefore, people who are not active are unable to increase lymph flow. However the stimulation that is triggered by vigorous activity may be surpassed by the increase in amount of waste generated by the exercise. Massage can greatly aid in the flow of lymph in both cases.

In order for the entire body to be healthy, the totality of its components – called cells are healthy. Each cell of the body depend on an abundance of lymph and blood since these fluids provide oxygen and nutrients as well as carrying away toxins and wastes. Therefore, it’s simple to see why a healthy circulation is vital for the whole body, because of its effects on circulation in particular.

Massage is also known as:

Changes in the blood. Oxygen capacity in blood can increase by about 10 percent after massage.

The muscles are affected throughout the body. Massage is a great way to loosen tight muscles, shorten muscles, and help strengthen flaccid, weak muscles. This type of muscle “balancing” helps improve in improving posture and speed up movement. Massage doesn’t directly improve the strength of muscles, but it will speed the recovery process from fatigue that happens following exercising. It is possible to perform more exercise and train and will in the end strengthen muscles and increases fitness. Massage can also provide a soft stretching effect to the connective tissues and muscles that support and surround the muscles as well as other areas of the body. It keeps these tissues elastic.

Increase the body’s production of excretions and secretions. There is evidence of an growth in the amount of saliva, gastric juices and urine following massage. Additionally, there is a higher excretion of nitrogen, organic sodium chloride, and phosphorous (salt). This indicates the rate of metabolism (the utilization of absorbed materials by cells of the body) is increasing.

The nervous system is affected. Massage can balance the nervous system, either by relaxing and stimulating the system, based on the effect required by the person when they are receiving massage.

– Improve skin condition. Massage can directly enhance the function of sebaceous (oil) and sweat glands that keep your skin lubricated, clear and cool. Skin that is hard and rigid may soften and become more soft.

• Affect internal organs. Through indirect stimulation of nerves that supply organs in the internal the blood vessels of these organs expand and permit an increase in blood flow to these organs.

Understanding the effects of physiological of massage allows you to gain a better understanding of the fitness and health benefits of massage. What happens beneath the massage therapist’s fingers is of major importance to those who are concerned about fitness and health, and in tuning their bodies. In any sport or type exercising, massage could aid. Through helping to decrease physical fatigue and aid in recovering from exertion in or out, it facilitates better training, and more sessions that are more effective which results in better performance as well as preventing injuries.

The people of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations understood this. After bathing they would then give a full body massage. The ancients knew that education requires the development of both body and the mind. The current interest of the public in health and wellness holistically, as well as the human potential is a way to revive an old concept.

Most people who begin an exercise program, usually the heart is in tune, but the flesh isn’t. If regular exercise is initiated, nearly every body part alters. The most interesting aspect for massage therapists is how blood vessels get more intricate to accommodate the body’s demands for oxygen and provide more nutrients, and to enable more efficient elimination. This is a process that takes some time. As muscles get in shape, they are having difficulties getting enough oxygen and nutrients and wastes build up and remain stagnant.

Many exercises view soreness and discomfort as the inevitable cost to be borne. This is not the case. Massage can be utilized as massage was how the Greeks and Romans employed it to improve endurance, manage fatigue and to feel more relaxed in a regular fitness regimen.

Massage helps to eliminate the build-up of byproducts from muscle movement that cause irritation to nerves and muscles. The carbonic and lactic acids accumulate in the muscle tissue after exercise commences. These acids are waste products that are responsible for the causes of cramps and pain that athletes, fitness enthusiasts and dancers. are prone to experiencing after exercise or when performing. The acids are produced as glycogen stored in the muscles and liver is burned to generate the energy needed during exercising. The acids will eventually be converted back to glycogen, and stored in the same way and then drained away through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. In the meantime, fatigue and pain will persist until the process of converting or excreting has been completed. Massage may help relieve the discomfort from the wastes and thus increase the rate of recovery for muscles. When massage is used as a substitute to rest, an increment of 20 to 70%, and even 100% recovery of muscle was recorded. This is why boxers get massaged more than resting between rounds.